/a·mó·re/ [aˈmore] “uh-moh-reh”

Words by Bianca Pirrelli


From the Greek verb mao – to desire – derived the Latin word amor, from amare, indicating an external, visceral attraction, as opposed to a mental, rational attraction, which was expressed by the verb diligere, that is to choose, to desire as a result of a reflection. A further – but less probable – curious etymological interpretation of the word amore identifies in the Latin a-mors, where the prefix a- indicates a lack: “without death”, as if to specify the endless intensity of this powerful feeling.


Speaking of ancient Greece, Eros was the god of love. His Roman counterpart was Cupid, also known as Amore, commonly depicted with wings, a bow and arrows. He is described as one of the children of Aphrodite and Ares.

Amore is, indeed, the Italian word for love. We see this word everywhere, in restaurants and pizzerias, neon signs and tattoo parlors, songs, poems, art pieces. We see it in the sky, in the stars, in the ocean and at the park. Thankfully, we live in a world where small things manifest love: walking on the beach, in the sun-warmed sand; ice cream, a good book, a fun show; the smell of the fireplace, the warmth of a hug. Love is everywhere. It is anywhere we feel safe in, it is anyone we feel respected by.

D’amore e d’accordo is the Italian way of describing harmony, affinity – in every shape or form. That same feeling when you finally find your community, through which you achieve strength and kindness. When you see that light, that feeling of protection. Finding your identity, your place in the world, that’s amore – love is love!

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